About Coral Atkinson
Coral Atkinson
Coral Atkinson photo


 The past enthrals me

Since 2000, Coral has concentrated on writing. Her first historical novel, The Love Apple, is released in May 2005 and The Paua Tower will appear early in 2006. Coral is also working with illustrator Tina Cooper on Magic Eyes: Looking at New Zealand History a book for children, to be published by Reed NZ later in 2005.

 The past enthrals me. Maybe it is a preoccupation of the Irish, but I really do believe that in some ways all time is, as TS Elliot said, ‘eternally present’; recreating it, and making it tangible is endlessly fascinating.

claddagh ornament

Coral's grandparents

Family stories are woven into much of Coral's writing.
This photograph, taken about 1910, is of her paternal grandparents, Nathaniel and Marguerite Louise Atkinson, and three of their four children.

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