Forthcoming events for autumn 2005
18 April
Rare Birds Meeting
- Topic: Following your Star
- Speaker: Coral Atkinson
- Venue: Risingholme Community Centre,
22 Cholmondeley Avenue,
Opawa, Christchurch
- Time: 7.30pm - 9.30pm
3 May
Launch of The Love Apple , Christchurch. Invitation only.
17 May
Celebration of The Love Apple, Wellington. Invitation only.
25 June
Seminar for UC Opportunity, University of Canterbury, Christchurch.
Writing Historical Fiction
In this seminar, novelist Coral Atkinson will examine important aspects of writing historical fiction for adults (or children). Participants are encouraged to bring samples of ideas and extracts from their work in progress for discussion.
- The rise and rise of historical fiction: why the fascination?
- Telling it like it was: being accurate, authentic and credible.
- Which end is up? Writing about history, character, theme and plot.
- Who is in the driver’s seat? Handling the story.
- Make them laugh, cry and wait: capturing and holding the reader’s attention.
- Learning from the high flyers: techniques of some currently successful historical novelists.
For further information or enrolment, contact UC Opportunity
